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Personality Masteries 
Online Course
Personality Masteries
Level 1 Certification Course 

How much more success would you see in every area of your life if you could identify someone’s personality in 15 seconds?

"You will NEVER experience a course like this!"
Tom Kunz ~ President of the largest real estate franchise in the world.
"90% of our problems talk back to us!  
This course solves those problems quickly!"
Peter Miles ~ BMW Board Member

Personality Masteries Overview

Some Great Questions . . . 
Do you feel you could earn a lot more money, work less hours, have less stress, and have a much more balanced life if you could just better understand yourself and those around you?  What if you were to learn how to have a better response in challenging situations as well?

Personality Masteries is much more than a course, it is really a life-changing movement. Why is it so powerful?

Where does one start?
Most individuals will start with Level 1 Certification, as it is fast, easy, and inexpensive. Some people will take individual lessons and others will take specific courses on particular topics. It is strongly recommended that you take the Level 1 Certification first as it gives you a solid foundation and covers things which are not covered in any other series.

Why is this course so very different?
How much more success would you see in every area of your life if you could identify someone’s personality in 17 seconds? 
See . . . once we know someone's personality, we understand their strengths, weaknesses, what they like, don't like, if they are married what type of individual they are married to, conflict in the marriage, if they will like us, why or why not . . . and a whole lot more!   

It's SIMPLE . . . & . . . POWERFUL!
“This is the fastest, easiest, most powerful program and system for understanding personalities I have ever seen. It is presented in a way that anyone can understand and use everyday, in every area of their lives.”       Dr. Pam Straker (Ph.D. in Psychology) 
Wavy Line

What's Included . . .

  • 10 Week Course: ($750 value)This is a 10 week, 10 lesson course. You have the capability of going through the lessons on YOUR own schedule. You can go as fast, or as slow, as you would like! We do reccomend no more than 2 lessons / week so that you can really internalize what you are learning! 
  • 10 Quizzes:($250 value)  Each lesson has a short quiz at the end, that will automatically grade right away for your. This allows you to see how well you are understanding the material. You can go through any lesson as many times as you want, and you can continue to re-take the quizzes as many times as you would like as well
  • 10 Workbooks: ($200 value) You will receive two versions of a workbook for each lesson. You will receive a google document version to use if you prefer taking your notes on the computer, and you will also receive a PDF version to use if your prefer printing it out to write your notes!
  • Personal Connections: ($150 value) You will be personally introduced and connected to other students of the course. This will allow you to meet new people and make new connections with others who have gone through, or are going through the same course material as you! What you do with these connections is up to you!
  • Facebook Group: ($295 value) You will have access to a private facebook group that will continue to foster discussions about topics relating to Personality Masteries, allow you to meet other course members, ask questions, and keep learning!
  • Support:($59 value) You will have a member of the Personality Masteries Certification team who will be checking up with you in how you are doing with the course. You can utilize your support team member to ask any questions about the material or technology issues, or ask for more information!

A total value of $1,704 that you get at a FRACTION of the total value! You get all of this for only


(For a limited time only!)

Plus FREE Bonus . . .

Life GPS mobile app . . . 
. . . is an amazing tool to assist you in applying what you are learning to get the most from the course. Life GPS is a brand new web-based app that is being developed and allows you to see your own, or anyone else's personality in only 17 seconds.  As you share the mobile app with all your friends and everyone you know, the course will give you deep understanding of people's personalities and what that means to them as well as yourself.
As a member of the Personality Masteries course, you will get first hand experience with Life GPS, and will be able to provide feed back for all current, and new features!
17 seconds . . . the magic of the mobile app will happen.  You, your friends, co-workers, loved one's, people you share passions with . . . all will be amazed at how easy, fast and accurate this is.  You will become known as the Wizard(ess) of Personality Masteries.  People will be drawn to you based on all that you learn in this course.  
Go to . . . 
on mobile app or on desktop.
GEO Test
Touch shapes in the order you are drawn to them, 1 you like the most, then 2, 3 and then 4 the least.
Touch "what causes you frustration" in the order you are drawn to them, 1 being most frustrated, then 2, 3 and then 4 the least.
Instantly the magic of the app will pull up the best video for your GEO Test & then the best video from your PAIN test.
Detailed GEO
The next screen will give you 4 GEO videos so you can see from the 256 possible combinations.
Detailed PAIN
The next screen will give you 4 PAIN videos so you can see from the 256 possible combinations.

Personality Masteries Course Outline

10 Week Course
Normally individuals take the online course over 10 weeks but it can be done at your own pace.  Each online lesson is roughly 30 minutes and then 30 minutes of recorded Q&A from other individuals like yourself who have the same type of questions that you probably do.  Because it's only 1 hour for each full lesson, getting through the course in 4 weeks or less is very easy to do.
1. History
We go back hundreds of years to learn about all the different personality tests in history.   We learn how Personality Masteries is faster and easier to learn and implement than all the other tests.
6. The Amiable Personality - Why Friendship Is So Powerful
Think of someone in your life that is the nicest person in the world . . . and struggles with being honest with people.  Does that person get taken advantage of by others.   Often we cause things to happen to ourselves and do not seem to know how to stop those things from happening.  We will learn how the amiable (ball) can at times, put themselves in hard situations without ever realizing it.   
2. Power Of The System
It's easy to say "You have never experienced anything like this course . . . but you may be asking "Is It True?"  
Now that you have the Geo and Pain tests what do you do with that information now?   When we learn the massive power we have to win people over, to get them to know, like and trust us instantly, we have the ability to bring massive benefit to everyone we know.
7. The Chameleon Personality - Why Flexibility Is So Powerful
Do you know someone you think is wishy washy . . . someone who seems to have a lot of inner conflict and has a hard time making a decision or keeping on track?  The chameleon personality is a blend of the other four personalities and brings so much value to everyone, when we understand them properly. 
3. The Analytic Personality - Why Details Are So Powerful
Have you ever known someone that was so focused on details that it really bugged you?  When we learn how the analytic (cube) thinks, we learn to better connect with them, have fun with them, see them for what they are and how they can help us to better achieve our own dreams and goals in every area of life.  
8. Earn More . . . Work Less
Do you ever feel like you could be earning so much more and/or working far less?   SEE . . . our greatest strength is our greatest weakness and our greatest weakness is just our greatest strength . . . misapplied.   When we learn about why we think the way we do and why others think the way they do, we will learn how to bring more value to more people and do so in less time with less energy.  This will help us to earn more money while working less.
4. The Driver Personality - Why Their Aggressiveness Is So Powerful
Have you ever known someone who was so direct that it kind of hurt your feelings and/or the feelings of everyone around you?   We often think of the driver (pyramid) as being non caring or unloving but when we learn how they are wired, it's crazy how very different we can see them and that will change our lives forever.  
9. Less Stress . . . Life Balance
Do you know the difference between good stress and bad stress?   Each personality type brings both good stress and bad stress into their own lives and the lives of those around us.  Applying what we learn in this course will help us to reduce our bad stress which leads to a more balanced life.
5. The Expressive Personality - Why Energy Is So Powerful For Them
Who in your life do you know that loves to be the center of attention . . . and . . . WOW do they have the ability to have fun and throw a party?  It's fun to be around this person, but at times, maybe hard to be in a relationship with them.  When we learn how the expressive (wavy line) thinks and what makes them tick, it's good for everyone.  
10. More And Better Relationships
Did you know that we tend to like others who are like us and fall in love with people who are very different?   When we internalize the strengths and weaknesses of our own personality and the personalities of those around us we see ways to  improve every relationship we have.  
It's SIMPLE . . . & . . . POWERFUL!
Turning Learning TO Earning
Please only read this if you are really serious about taking action and you won't get overwhelmed easily.   Most people have a desire to create passive income but most won't do the hard work and make the sacrifices in the short-term in order to create the future that they desire.   Most experts would say "Do not muddy the waters" for the Personality Masteries course.  Just have people take the course and then offer this to those who "get it."   We decided to trust you vs. the experts. :-)
Imagine . . . taking the knowledge you know . . . to the people you know . . . and creating a passive income stream.
LEVERAGE Being An Expert
What industry do you have the most experience in?  

What groups or networks do you belong to?  

When you register for the course you will be assigned a mentor.  Let that expert know right away that you would like to take all life experiences and the networks you are connected to in order to turn the course from Learning TO Earning.  
How Do I Do That?
It's a lot easier than one might think when you partner with Life Masteries Institute (LMI), Legacy Partners and the EC2 Network.  

They have systems in place which will help you take what you learn from the course and create a specialize course or "add on" courses which can be marketed to industries and/or groups of people you have influence with.

LMI also has a national database of 56 million business owners and leaders along with community based organizations.   

More Than Doubled My Sales . . . 

“I NEVER liked sales or thought I was good at sales.   When I took the course I learned how I can be myself and it's not really sales but instead connecting into people's personalities and solving their problems . . . AND I cloned myself with my own 1 minute MVP video!  THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!"
Jill Calderon ~ Business Owner

As A CPA I Now Have 
New Profit Centers 

“I would have never believed it!  This course changed my life and how I see my business.   I'm now setting up many new profit centers and having others do a bulk of the work."   Jorge Herrera, CPA, CIA

It's AWAKENED Our Team . . . 

“This course answered so many of the questions we have had over the years as to how to hire the best employees and then mentor them to success.  It gives us a detailed road map to help each team member succeed in a way that is unique to their own personality type."
Alan Stein / Nancy Virts 
Business Owners

The Most Amazing Gift . . . 

“With young children and demanding careers we had far too much stress and our lives were not balanced.   This course helped change it all .  We would have never guessed that one course could change so much so quickly!"
Matt and Megan Maple

We Found Our Soul Mate . . . 

“My husband is SOOOO different than I am.  I'm outgoing and crazy and he's quiet and reserved.  This course not only helped us to find each other but is helping in our marriage and now with our new baby daughter!  We would recommend it to everyone who is seeking to have the relationships most people only dream of."
Jason & Melissa Miller

I have NEVER experienced . . . 

“I have never experienced anything like this in my life!  As a board member for BMW and President of other worldwide brands I thought I had experienced most everything . . . but I was wrong!  In seconds one of the graduates of the course was able to tell me things about myself that I didn't even realize."
Peter Miles ~ BMW Board Member

It's A Scientific Process

“I have never seen anything like this. It is helping me personally and professionally. It is the scientific process for understanding people, which anyone can understand. I use what I have learned EVERY day!” 
Dr. Gregory Simpson 
(Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry)        
Why Personality Masteries Certification Course 101  is not like any other course available.  You will learn how to identify someone's personality in 17 seconds AND know what that means and how to create WIN WIN for everyone!
Daily  Encouragement and love / connection
How to see greater success
impact others . . . impact ourselves!
Life Masteries Instiute - Legacy Partners - copyright - All Rights Reserved